"Uer die Wichtigkeit der Einzigartigkeit" ("The importance of corporate uniqueness)
Article by Dr. Leonhard Fopp, in Leader – das Ostschweizerische Unternehmermagazin: 8/2023, Seiten 58 – 61
Not only the management of the rational, financial and technical dimension is critical, but more and more the essential, emotional and symbolic side of the enterprise. Both need lots of attention to secure future success.
"Doppelte Führung" (“Dual Leadership")
Article by Dr Leonhard Fopp, in the Handelszeitung, Special consulting. 06/30/2016.
A new management approach is needed. The article discusses expanding the traditional business practice beyond figures and facts with an innovative-creative-emotional dimension, which deals with the essence of the enterprise, actively shaping it and communicating with symbols and archetypes. As in sports, where discipline and creativity interplay.
The complete article can be found in German here.
«Macht, Geiz und Gier sind schlechte Ratgeber» (“Power, stinginess and greed are bad counsel”)
Article by Dr Leonhard Fopp, Bilanz online, 12/16/2015.
Recently, the reputation of business has suffered. Unfortunate, as few business leaders follow the wrong values. There is an easy solution: companies need people with integrity and honesty. Entrepreneurs are requested to set the appropriate ethics and determine the right relationships, for themselves and the key people.
The entire text in German can be found here.
«Den zweiten Frühling gestalten – mit dem Lebensbrief» («Fashioning the second spring- with the letter of life ambitions»)
Article by Dr Leonhard Fopp, Bilanz online, 11/23/2015.
Following retirement, a business leader needs new challenges to continue personal growth and development. A planned direction and goal is necessary to find the best activity. This evolutionary process should be initiated before turning 50 years old. A helpful tool is the letter of life ambitions.
The entire text in German can be found here.
«Zweifache Unternehmensführung» («Dual leadership»)
Article by Dr. Leonhard Fopp, LEADER June/Jul 2015
In the 21st century new realities apply. The rational "Homo oeconomicus" approach no longer proves important. Gone is the period of purely rational, fact-oriented corporate management.
The entire text in German can be found here.
«Familien benötigen eine Strategie» („Families need a strategy“)
Article by Dr. Leonhard Fopp, LEADER April 2014
Leonhard Fopp discusses the reasons why conflicts in family businesses are often the agenda of the day, and those involved should seek conversation and question the status quo.
The entire text in German can be found here.