To increase business success, many companies meticulously measure past performance. However, this provides little relevance to future success. The possible one percentage cost -cutting savings are insignificant relative to the potential 100% increased value.
Measuring business performance based on financials is related to the past and is not as important to the creation process.
Management may react too slowly. In the information age, intangible and intellectual assets are especially important for success. Unfortunately, classical ways of managing companies measure only tangible assets.
A Performance Improvement Program (PIP) to increase company value consists of two parts: performance measurement and performance improvement.
Within a business strategy, performance measurement indicators reveal relevant business and operational levers which lead to sustainable increase in performance and corporate value. A governing system is thus required which not only considers the financial, operational, customer and employee aspects but also research and development (Balanced scorecard).
Doubling the return on sales: With measurement tools established, operational action plans need to be developed which reflect a business strategy in accordance with the paradigm of the dual business leadership. For example, a goal should be to double the return on sales.
Those involved in the performance creation process are decisively influenced by the standards by which performance is measured and honored. Successful companies therefore measure what they want to achieve as a goal, including quantitative and qualitative results.
More information here.